Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works. /

Bonhoeffer Dietrich, 1906-1945.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works. / D. Bonhoeffer; J.von Soosten /edt./; C. J. Green /en. edt./ ; R. Krauss, N. Lukens /trl./ - Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998. - v. 23 cm. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer works ; .

Vol. 1 - Chronology of Sanct. Comm. pp:307-309 Bibliography pp:310-349 Index pp։350-370 Vol. 2 - Chronology of Act and Being. pp:184-186 Bibliography pp:187-208 Index pp։209-236 Vol. 3 - Chronology of Creation and Fall. pp:174-177 Bibliography pp:178-193 Index pp։194-206 Vol. 4 - Chronology of Discipleship. pp:315-318 Bibliography pp:319-340 Index pp։341-363 Vol. 5 - Chronology of Life together and prayerbook f Bible. pp:182-184 Bibliography pp:185-200 Index pp։201-215 Vol. 6 - Appendices pp:450-479 Bibliography pp:481-525 Index pp։527-589 Vol. 7 - Chronology of Fict. from Tegel Pris. pp:234-235 Appendix pp:236-244 Bibliography pp:245-257 Index pp։258-285 Vol. 9 - Appendices pp:579-593 Bibliography pp:595-624 Index pp։625-691 Vol. 10 - Appendices pp:637-650 Bibliography pp:650-682 Index pp։683-761 Vol. 12 - Appendices pp:519-527 Bibliography pp:529-560 Index pp։561-677 Vol. 13 - Appendices pp:429-437 Bibliography pp:439-453 Index pp։455-522 Vol. 16 - Appendices pp:675-709 Bibliography pp:711-750 Index pp։751-879

Vol. 1 - Sanctorum Communnio. A theology study of the sociology of the Church, Soosten Joachim von /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Krauss Reinhard, Lukens Nancy /trl./ 1998. - xv+372 pp. Vol. 2 - Act and being. Transcendental Philosophy and Ontology in Systematic Theology, Reuter Hans-Richard /edt./; Floyd Wayne Whitson /en. edt./; Rumscheidt Martin H. /trl./ 1996. - xi+237 pp. Vol. 3 - Creation and Fall. A Theological Exposition of Genesis 1-3, Rüter Martin, Tödt Ilse /edt./; Gruchy John W. /en. edt./; Bax Douglas Stephen /trl./ 1997. - xiv+207 pp. Vol. 4 - Discipleship, Kuske Martin, Tödt Ilse /edt./; Kelly Grffrey B., Godsey John D. /en. edt./; Green Barbara, Krauss Reinhard /trl./ 2001. - xv+367 pp. Vol. 5 - Life together. Prayerbook of the Bible, Müller Gerhard Ludwig, Schönherr Albrecht /edt./; Kelly Geffrey B. /en. edt./; Bloesch Daniel W., Burtness James H. /trl./ 1996. - xiii+218 pp. Vol. 6 - Ethics, Tödt Ilse, Tödt Heinz Eduard, Feil Ernst, Green Clifford /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Krauss Reinhard, West Charles C., Stott Douglas W. /trl./ 2005. - xiii+593 pp. Vol. 7 - Fiction from Tegel Prison, Bethge Renate, Tödt Ilse /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Lukens Nancy /trl./ 2000. - xiii+287 pp. Vol. 9 - The Young Bonhoeffer: 1918-1927, Pfeifer Hans, Green Clifford J., Kaltenborn Carl-Jürgen /edt./; Matheny Paul Duane, Green Clifford J., Johnson Marshall D. /en. edt./; Nebelsick Mary C., Stott Douglas W. /trl./ 2003. - xix+695 pp. Vol. 10 - Barcelona, Berlin, New York: 1928-1931, Staats Reinhart, Hase Hans Christoph von, Roggelin Holger, Wünsche Matthias /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Stott Douglas W. /trl./ 2009. - xxii+680 pp. Vol. 12 - Berlin:1932-1933, Nicolaisen Carsten, Scharffenorth Ernst-Albert /edt./; Rasmussen Larry L. /en. edt./; Best Isabel, Higgins David /trl./ 2009. - xxii+680 pp. Vol. 13 - London, 1933-1935, Goedeking Hans, Heimbucher Martin, Schleicher Hans-Walter /edt./; Clements Keith /en. edt./; Best Isabel /trl./ 2007. - xxv+524 pp. Vol. 16 - Conspiracy and imprisonment: 1940-1945, Glenthøj Jørgen, Kabitz Ulrich, Krötke Wolf /edt./; Brocker Mark S. /en. edt./; Dahill Lisa E. /trl./ 2006. - xxv+882 pp.

0800683013 (Vol. 1) 0800683056 (Vol. 2) 080068303X (Vol. 3) 0800683048 (Vol. 4) 0800683056 (Vol. 5) 0800683064 (Vol. 6) 0800683072 (Vol. 7) 0800683099 (Vol. 9) 9780800683306 (Vol. 10) 9780800683122 (Vol. 12) 9780800683160 (Vol. 16)

Christian sociology.
German Theology
Protestant Theology
Bible Commentaries
Christian Ethics