[Ideological roots of the Young Turks. The CUP, other opposition forces, and the Sultan. The rise of the CUP in Ottoman politics: the formative years of the committee. The CUP as a political organization, 1895-1897. The CUP under the direction of Murad Bey. Petty intrigue and conspiracy: the CUP, 1898-1900. The reorganization of 1898. The Cup and the Young Turks until the flight of Damad Mahmud Pasha. The CUP in thenhands of the high-ranking conspirators, Organizational transformation of the CUP 1889-1902. The first congress of Ottoman opposition in Paris and its consequences. The political ideas of the Young turks.]
Abbrev. p.: 217-218; Notes p.: 219-358; Selected bibl. p.: 359-380; Index p.: 381-390.
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