TY - BOOK AU - Hutchins Robert Maynard AU - Brock Arthur John Brock AU - Rawlinson George AU - Crawley Richard AU - Feetham R. AU - Jowett Benjamin AU - Harward J. AU - Rhoades James AU - MacKenna Stephen AU - Page B. AU - Dods Marcus AU - Shaw J. AU - Sullivan Daniel AU - Norton Charles Eliot AU - Norton Charles Eliot AU - Urquhart Thomas AU - Motteux Peter AU - Cotton Charles AU - Hazlitt W. Carew AU - Clarke William George AU - Wright William Aldis AU - Mottelay P. Fleury AU - Ormsby John AU - Motte Andrew AU - Cajori Florian AU - Nugent Thomas AU - Prichard J. V. AU - Smeaton Oliphant AU - Kingsmill Thomas AU - Hastie W. AU - Meredith James Creed AU - Knox T. M. AU - Madison George AU - Engels Friedrich AU - Maude Louise AU - Maude Aylmer AU - Garnett Constance TI - Encyclopaedia Britannica. : Great books of the Western World. PY - 1952/// CY - Chicago: , London, Toronto PB - Encyclopaedia Britannica KW - Fiction KW - Britannica KW - History KW - Poetry KW - Natural science KW - Mathematics KW - Philosophy KW - Politics KW - Religion KW - Economics KW - Ethics N1 - Vol. 5 - Glossary p.: 643-649 Vol. 6 - Index p.: 603-616 Vol. 15 - Index p.: 303-313 Vol. 39 - Index p.: 425-468 Vol. 44 - Index p.: 589-618 Vol. 45 - Index p.: 867-898 Vol. 49 - Index p.: 601-659; Vol. 1 -; The Great conversation. The substance of a liberal education]; /Edt. in chief R. Hutchins; 1952.- XXVII+131 p.; Vol. 2 -; The Great ideas. A Syntopicon of Great books of the Western world. Vol. I]; /Edt. in chief: M. J. Adler; Gen. edt.: W. Gorman; 1952.- L+1082 p.; Vol. 3 -; The Great ideas. A Syntopicon of Great books of the Western world: Vol. II; /Edt. in chief: M. J. Adler; Gen. edt.: W. Gorman; 1952.- XXVI+1346 p.; Vol. 4 -; The Iliad of Homer and the Odyssey/ Homer; Rendered into english prose by Samuel Butler; 1952.- VII+322 p.; Vol. 5 -; The plays/ Aeschylus. Sophocles. Euripides. Aristophanes; 1952.- IX+649 p.; Vol. 6 -; The history of Herodotus. The history of the Peloponnesian war. Thucydides; /Trl.: G. Rawlinson; R. Crawley; Rev.: R. Feetham; 1952.- IX+616 p.; Vol. 7 -; The dialogues of Plato. The seventh letter; /Trl.: B. Jowett, J. Harward; 1952.- VII+814 p.; Vol. 8 -; The works of Aristotle. Vol. I; 1952.- 726 p.; Vol. 9 -; The works of Aristotle. Vol. II; 1952.- V+699 p.; Vol. 10 -; Hippocratic writings. On the Natural Faculties/Galen; /Trl.: A. J. Brock; 1952.- XI+215 p.; Vol. 11 -; The thirteen books of Euclid's elements. The works of Archimedes including the Method. On conic sections/ Apollonius of Perga. Introduction to Arithmetic/Nichomachus of Gerasa; /Trl.: Th. L. Heath; 1952.- XI+848 p.; Vol. 12 -; On the nature of things/ Lucretius. The discourses/Epictetus. The meditations/Marcus Aurelius; /Trl.: H. A. J. Munro, G. Long; 1952.- XI+310 p.; Vol. 13 -; The poems /Virgil; /Trl.: J. Rhoades; 1952.- VII+379 p.; Vol. 14 -; The lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans/ Plutarch; 1952.- VII+897 p.; Vol. 15 -; Tha annals and the histories by P. Cornelius Tacitus; 1952.- V+313 p.; Vol. 16 -; The almagest/Ptolemy. On the revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres/Nicolaus Copernicus. Epitome of Copernican Astronomy: IV and V. The Harmonies of the World /Johannes Kepler; 1952.- XIV+1085 p; Vol. 17 -; The Six Enneads/Plotinus; /Trl.: S. MacKenna, B. Page; 1952.- VII+360p.; Vol. 18 -; AThe confessions. The city of God. On christian doctrine/ Saint Augustine; /Trl.: M. Dods, J. Shaw; 1952.- X+698 p.; Vol. 19 -; The Summa theologica. Vol. I/ Saint Thomas Aquinas; /Revis.: D. J. Sullivan; 1952.- XVI+826 p.; Vol. 20 -; The Summa theologica. Vol. II/ Saint Thomas Aquinas; /Revis.: D. Sullivan; 1952.- XIV+1085 p.; Vol. 21 -; The Divine comedy/Alighieri Dante; /Trl.: Ch. E. Norton; 1952.- X+157 p.; Vol. 22 -; Troilus and Cressida and the canterbury tales/Geoffrey Chaucer; 1952.- VI+550 p.; Vol. 23 -; The prince/Nicolo Machiavelli. Leviathan. Or, Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil/Thomas Hobbes; /Trl.: W. Marriott.-; 1952.- XI+ 283p.; Vol. 24 -; Gargantua and Pantagruel/François Rabelais; /Trl.: Th. Urquhart, P. Motteux.-; 1952.- XI+318 p.; Vol. 25 -; The essays/Michel Eyquem de Montaigne; /Trl.: Ch. Cotton; Edt.: W. C. Hazlitt.-; 1952.- VIII+543 p.; Vol. 26 -; The plays and Sonnets/ William Shakespeare. Vol. I; /Edt.: W. G. Clarke, W. Aldis Wright; 1952.- VI+626 p.; Vol. 27 -; The plays and sonnets/William Shakespeare. Vol. II; /Edt.: W. G. Clarke, W. Aldis Wright; 1952.- 609 p.; Vol. 28 -; On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies/William Gilbert; Concerning the Two New Sciences/Galileo Galilei; On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. On the Circulation of the Blood. On the Generation of Animals/William Harvey; /Trl.: P. Fleury Mottelay; 1952.- XIII+496 p.; Vol. 29 -; The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha/Miguel de Cervantes; /Trl.: J. Ormsby.-; 1952.- XVI+429 p.; Vol. 30 -; Advancement of learning Novum Organum. New Atlantis/Francis Bacon; 1952.- VI+214 p.; Vol. 31 -; Rules for the direction of the mind. Discource on the method. Meditations on first philosophy. Objections against the meditations and replies/R. Descartes; The geometry. Ethics/ Benedict de Spinoza; 1952.- X+463 p.; Vol. 32 -; English minor poems. Paradise lost. Samson Agonistes. Areopagitica/John Milton; 1952.- VII+412 p.; Vol. 33 -; The provincial letters. Pensees. Scientific treatises/ B. Pascal; 1952.- VI+487 p.; Vol. 34 -; Mathematical principles of natural philosophy. Optics/Isaac Newton. Treatise on light/ Christiaan Huygens; /Trl.: A. Motte; Rev.: F. Cajori; 1952.- XI+619 p.; Vol. 35 -; A letter concerning toleration. Concerning civil government. Second essay. An essay concerning human understanding/John Locke; The principles of human knowledge/ George Berkeley; An enquiry concerning human understanding/David Hume; /Edt.: Ch. L. Sherman; 1952.- X+509 p.; Vol. 36 -; Gulliver's travels/ Jonathan Swift; Tristram Shandy/Laurence Sterne; 1952.- XXI+556 p.; Vol. 37 -; The history of Tom Jones. A foundling/Henry Fielding; 1952.- XV+405 p.; Vol. 38 -; The spirit of laws/Charles Montesquieu; On the origin of inequality. On political economy. The social contract/Jean Jacques Rousseau; /Trl.: Th. Nugent; Rev.: J. Prichard; 1952.- XXII+439 p.; Vol. 39 -; An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations/ Adam Smith; 1952.- VIII+468 p.; Vol. 40 -; The decline and fall of the Roman Empire/ Edward Gibbon.Vol. I; /Edt.: O. Smeaton; 1952.- XXVI+900+[10] p.; Vol. 41 -; The decline and fall of the Roman Empire/ Edward Gibbon. Vol. II; /Edt.: O. Smeaton; 1952.- XX+855 p.; Vol. 42 -; The critique of pure reason. The critique of practical reason and other ethical treatises. The critique of judgement/ I. Kant; /Trl.: Th. Kingsmill, W. Hastie, J. C. Meredith; 1952.- XI+613 p.; Vol. 43 -; American State papers. The federalist/Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay; On liberty. Representative government. Utilitarianism/John Stuart Mill; 1952.- 476 p.; Vol. 44 -; Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D./James Boswell; 1952.- XVII+618 p.; Vol. 45 -; Elements of chemistry/ Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Analytical theory of heat/Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. Experimental researches in electricity/Michael Faraday; 1952.- XII+898 p.; Vol. 46 -; The Philosophy of right. The philosophy of history/Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; /Trl.: T. Knox; 1952.- X+369 p.; Vol. 47 -; Faust. Parts one and two/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; /Trl.: GMadison George Priest; 1952.- VII+294 p.; Vol. 48 -; Moby Dick, or, the whale/ Herman Melville; 1952.- XX+420 p.; Vol. 49 -; The origin of species by means of natural selection. The descent of man and selection in relation to sex/Charles Darwin; 1952.- X+659 p.; Vol. 50 -; Capital. Manifesto of the communist party/,Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels; /Edt.: F. Engels; 1952.- XI+434 p.; Vol. 51 -; War and peace/Leo Tolstoy. T; /Trl.: L. Maude, A. Maude; 1952.- XVI+696+[4] p.; Vol. 52 -; The Brothers Karamazov/ Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky; /Trl.: C. Garnett; 1952.- VIII+412 p.; Vol. 53 -; The principles of psychology/William James; 1952.- XIV+897 p.; Vol. 54 -; The major works/Sigmund Freud; 1952.- VII+884 p. ER -