Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works. /
D. Bonhoeffer; J.von Soosten /edt./; C. J. Green /en. edt./ ; R. Krauss, N. Lukens /trl./
- Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998.
- v. 23 cm.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer works ; .
Vol. 1 - Chronology of Sanct. Comm. pp:307-309 Bibliography pp:310-349 Index pp։350-370 Vol. 2 - Chronology of Act and Being. pp:184-186 Bibliography pp:187-208 Index pp։209-236 Vol. 3 - Chronology of Creation and Fall. pp:174-177 Bibliography pp:178-193 Index pp։194-206 Vol. 4 - Chronology of Discipleship. pp:315-318 Bibliography pp:319-340 Index pp։341-363 Vol. 5 - Chronology of Life together and prayerbook f Bible. pp:182-184 Bibliography pp:185-200 Index pp։201-215 Vol. 6 - Appendices pp:450-479 Bibliography pp:481-525 Index pp։527-589 Vol. 7 - Chronology of Fict. from Tegel Pris. pp:234-235 Appendix pp:236-244 Bibliography pp:245-257 Index pp։258-285 Vol. 9 - Appendices pp:579-593 Bibliography pp:595-624 Index pp։625-691 Vol. 10 - Appendices pp:637-650 Bibliography pp:650-682 Index pp։683-761 Vol. 12 - Appendices pp:519-527 Bibliography pp:529-560 Index pp։561-677 Vol. 13 - Appendices pp:429-437 Bibliography pp:439-453 Index pp։455-522 Vol. 16 - Appendices pp:675-709 Bibliography pp:711-750 Index pp։751-879
Vol. 1 - Sanctorum Communnio. A theology study of the sociology of the Church, Soosten Joachim von /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Krauss Reinhard, Lukens Nancy /trl./ 1998. - xv+372 pp. Vol. 2 - Act and being. Transcendental Philosophy and Ontology in Systematic Theology, Reuter Hans-Richard /edt./; Floyd Wayne Whitson /en. edt./; Rumscheidt Martin H. /trl./ 1996. - xi+237 pp. Vol. 3 - Creation and Fall. A Theological Exposition of Genesis 1-3, Rüter Martin, Tödt Ilse /edt./; Gruchy John W. /en. edt./; Bax Douglas Stephen /trl./ 1997. - xiv+207 pp. Vol. 4 - Discipleship, Kuske Martin, Tödt Ilse /edt./; Kelly Grffrey B., Godsey John D. /en. edt./; Green Barbara, Krauss Reinhard /trl./ 2001. - xv+367 pp. Vol. 5 - Life together. Prayerbook of the Bible, Müller Gerhard Ludwig, Schönherr Albrecht /edt./; Kelly Geffrey B. /en. edt./; Bloesch Daniel W., Burtness James H. /trl./ 1996. - xiii+218 pp. Vol. 6 - Ethics, Tödt Ilse, Tödt Heinz Eduard, Feil Ernst, Green Clifford /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Krauss Reinhard, West Charles C., Stott Douglas W. /trl./ 2005. - xiii+593 pp. Vol. 7 - Fiction from Tegel Prison, Bethge Renate, Tödt Ilse /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Lukens Nancy /trl./ 2000. - xiii+287 pp. Vol. 9 - The Young Bonhoeffer: 1918-1927, Pfeifer Hans, Green Clifford J., Kaltenborn Carl-Jürgen /edt./; Matheny Paul Duane, Green Clifford J., Johnson Marshall D. /en. edt./; Nebelsick Mary C., Stott Douglas W. /trl./ 2003. - xix+695 pp. Vol. 10 - Barcelona, Berlin, New York: 1928-1931, Staats Reinhart, Hase Hans Christoph von, Roggelin Holger, Wünsche Matthias /edt./; Green Clifford J. /en. edt./; Stott Douglas W. /trl./ 2009. - xxii+680 pp. Vol. 12 - Berlin:1932-1933, Nicolaisen Carsten, Scharffenorth Ernst-Albert /edt./; Rasmussen Larry L. /en. edt./; Best Isabel, Higgins David /trl./ 2009. - xxii+680 pp. Vol. 13 - London, 1933-1935, Goedeking Hans, Heimbucher Martin, Schleicher Hans-Walter /edt./; Clements Keith /en. edt./; Best Isabel /trl./ 2007. - xxv+524 pp. Vol. 16 - Conspiracy and imprisonment: 1940-1945, Glenthøj Jørgen, Kabitz Ulrich, Krötke Wolf /edt./; Brocker Mark S. /en. edt./; Dahill Lisa E. /trl./ 2006. - xxv+882 pp.