The glory of the Lord. A theological aesthetics /
Hans Urs von Balthasar; E. Leiva-Merikakis, A. Louth, F. McDonagh, B. McNeil, J. Saward, M. Simon, R. Williams /trl./; J. Riches, Brian McNeil /edt./
- Edinburgh: San Francisco: T&T Clark, Ignatius Press, 1986-1998.
- Vol.; 22 cm.
Vol. 1 - Index - pp.: 685-691; Vol. 2 - Index - pp.: 363-366; Vol. 3 - Index - pp.: 518-524; Vol. 4 - Index - pp.: 413-419; Vol. 5 - Index - pp.: 656-666; Vol. 6 - Index of names - pp.: 417-419; Index of Biblical ref. - pp.: 420-443; Vol. 7 - Index of names - pp.: 544-549; Index of Biblical ref. - pp.: 550-571.
Vol. 1 - Seeing the form.- Leiva-Merikakis Erasmo /trl./; Riches John /edt./ Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1998.- 691 p. Vol. 2 - Studies in theological style: clerical styles.- Louth Andrew, McDonagh Francis, McNeil Brian /trl./; Riches John /edt./ Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1995.- 366 p. Vol. 3 - Studies in theological style: lay styles.- McNeil Brian, Louth Andrew, Saward John, Simon Martin, Williams Rowan /trl./; Riches John /edt./ San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986.- 524 p. Vol. 4 - The realm of metaphysics in antiquity.- McNeil Brian, Louth Andrew, Saward John, Williams Rowan, Davies Oliver /trl./; Riches John /edt./ Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1989.- 419 p. Vol. 5 - The realm of metaphysics in the modern age.- Davies Oliver, Louth Andrew, McNeil Brian, Saward John, Williams Rowan, /trl./; Riches John, McNeil Brian /edt./ Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1991.- 666 p. Vol. 6 - Theology: The Old covenant.- McNeil Brian, Leiva-Merikakis Erasmo /trl./; Riches John /edt./ Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1991.- 443 p. Vol. 7 - Theology: The New covenant.- McNeil Brian /trl./; Riches John /edt./ Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1989.- 571 p.