Murray's classical atlas for schools./ Edt.: G. B. Grundy - Reprinted. - London: John Murray, 1959. - 35 cm XXIII + maps.

[Empires of the Babylonians, Lydians, Medes and Persians. The Roman Empire B. C. 218 - A. D. 100. The Roman Empire A. D. 1-300. Britannia. Hispania. Gallia. Danubian provinces of the Roman Empire. Italia. Egypt. Rome and Latium. Rome in the time of the Emperors. Rome during the republic (Rome P.) Roma Quadrata. Ancient Rome. Modern Rome. Environs of the forum Romanum. Graecia. Aegean sea. Athenae. Piraeus. Acropolis. Propontis. Asia minor. The principal battle fields in Greek and Roman history. Palestine.]

Index pp.: v-xxiii.

