A select library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers of the christian church. Second series. Translated into English with Ptolegomena and explanatory notes. / Trl.: Ph. Schaff, H. Wace by
- Schaff Philip [edt.]
- Wace Henry [edt.]
- Jackson Blomfield [trl., notes]
- Robertson Archibald [edt., prolegomena, indices, tables]
- Fremantle W [trl.]
- Feltoe Charles [trl., introduc., notes, indices]
- Barmby James [trl., introduc., notes, indices]
- Sanday W [edt.]
- Barmby James [trl., introduc., notes, indices.]
Series: A select library of the Nicene and post-Nicene fathers of the christian church ; Second series
Edition: Reprinted.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: eng.
Publication details: Grand Rapids: Michigan: WM. B. Eerdmans publishing company, 1983
Availability: Items available for loan: Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածին «Վաչե և Թամար Մանուկյան» Մատենադարան (5)Call number: 276/S-45, ...
Nicene and post-Nicene fathers. Second series. / by
- Schaff Philip [edt.]
- Wace Henry [edt.]
- McGiffert Arthur [trl., prolegomena, notes]
- Richardson Ernest [trl. , prolegomena, notes]
- Zenos A [revised]
- Hartranft Chester [revised]
- Jackson Blomfield [trl., notes]
- Robertson Archibald [edt., prolegomena, indices, tables]
- Moore William [trl.]
- Wilson Henry [trl.]
- Fremantle W [trl.]
- Salmond S [trl.]
- Heurtley C [trl.]
- Gifford Edwin [rev., introduc., notes, indices]
- Browne Charles [trl.]
- Swallow James [trl.]
- Watson W [trl.]
- Pullan L [trl.]
- Sanday W [edt.]
- Romestin H [trl.]
- Roberts Alexander [trl., preface, notes ]
- Feltoe Charles [trl., introduc., notes, indices]
- Barmby James [trl., introduc., notes, indices]
- Gwynn John [edt., introduc.]
- Percival Henry [edt., notes]
- A select library of the christian church
Series: A select library of the christian church. Nicene and post-Nicene fathers ; Second series
Edition: Second printing
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: SEM
Publication details: Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածին «Վաչե և Թամար Մանուկյան» Մատենադարան (14)Call number: 276/N-58, ...
Nicene and post-Nicene fathers. First series. / by
- Schaff Philip [edt.]
- Pilkington J [trl., annot.]
- Cunningham J [trl.]
- Dods Marcus [trl.]
- Shaw J [trl.]
- Haddan Arthur [trl.]
- Shedd William [rev., annot., introduc.]
- Salmond S [trl.]
- Cornish C [trl.]
- Stothert Richard [trl.]
- Newman Albert [trl.]
- King R [trl.]
- Hartranft Chester [rev., notes]
- Holmes Peter [trl.]
- Wallis Robert [trl.]
- Warfield Benjamin [trl., introduc.]
- Findlay William [trl.]
- Schaff D [rev., annot.]
- Riddle M [edt., notes, introduc.]
- MacMullen R [trl.]
- Gibb John [trl.]
- Innes James [trl.]
- Browne H [trl.]
- Myers Joseph [rev., notes]
- Starbuck Charles [trl.]
- Coxe Cleveland [edt., annot., cond.]
- Stephens W [trl., introduc., notes]
- Brandram T [trl.]
- Prevost George [trl.]
- Riddle M [rev., notes]
- Walker J [trl.]
- Sheppard J [trl.]
- Browne H [trl.]
- Stevens George [rev.]
- Chambers Talbot [rev.]
- Alexander Gross [rev., notes]
- Broadus A [rev., notes]
Series: A select library of the christian church. First series Nicene and post-Nicene fathers
Edition: Second printing
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: eng.
Publication details: Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածին «Վաչե և Թամար Մանուկյան» Մատենադարան (14)Call number: 276/N-58, ...